Thursday, July 21, 2011

Sixty Four

It is better to be dead than lead a life constantly fearing death.


Arun Rajkumar said...

In what way is it better?

Hari said...

At least there will be no more fear!

Arun Rajkumar said...

If there's no fear, there might be hatred. Is that fine? Terrors have no fear.
At least fear harms only oneself. Hatred can harm the whole world.

Hari said...

Everything is ok within limits. A little fear is fine but if one is always gripped by fear life becomes miserable for him.

Arun Rajkumar said...

How is it BETTER for a person who's dead? IT no longer exists in the body. It cannot experience fear any more or for that matter, any other emotion.

Arun Rajkumar said...

I would rephrase your quote as "Fear of death is best conquered by embracing it."